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Stupidity Hurts

The biggest problem with being stupid is that people are often too dense to realize that the problem exists to begin with. Usually that is a two-fold problem, the first part of the problem is just a precursor to the second. It's a bit like being hard of hearing and suffering from flatulence at the same time. It redundant, yet comical. It's a bit like a few days ago when my son and I were watching the television show COPS and he pointed out that everyone's favorite go-to phrase on that show is "that aint mine!" In this classic episode a young man is stopped for a traffic violation and when his window is rolled down you can clearly see that he has a joint stuck behind his ear like a number two pencil. This is classic television at its best and you just know what is coming next will meet at the corner of ENTERTAINING and CONFUSED. What is it about other people's ignorance that we find so entertaining, and for that matter joyous. It could possibly be because it is not happening to us. That was obviously filmed back in the days when carrying a joint was still a crime, now it's called a Tuesday. That is what is widely known as the good old days, which given the current turn of events in the law anywhere from 30 years to 30 seconds ago. The times change so quickly these days I can barely keep up. The officer asked the young man "how long has it been since you smoked weed." His answer was something like "a month ago." Or at least I think that was what he said because his face was encased in a dense green fog, and I found it impossible to read his lips. Have you ever noticed that being incoherent and humorous sometimes go hand in hand? When your name has become as synonymous as Keith Richards has with pot, it's just a matter of time when it becomes an institution like Colonel Sander's with a dead yard bird or sub-par Cole slaw.

These kinds of classic scenes that live on in our grey matter for years usually come to us via idiots. Now to be clear, I use the word idiot with no air of conceit because in the past I have certainly acted like one myself, I just got lucky enough to outgrow it, or at least I think I did. There are only about twelve pints of blood in the male human body, last time I checked that is not enough to run both heads (the top one and the bottom one) at the same time. I am currently trying to start up a business where I could make important decisions for young men ranging from the ages 18 to 25. I could collect fees from those young men in lieu of keeping them from bad decisions. With that kind of profit margin, I figure I could probably retire in about five years. At some point somebody had to cash in on the poor decisions of the young, the restless, and the careless. Any time monies were recouped those funds would go into an account earmarked by yours truly. Any time those boys needed a loan they could surely get one and recoup said funds to the tune of 8% APR. At that rate surely, they would still save money. I said I was thoughtful, I never claimed I wasn't ruthless.

Ask yourself this universal question, why is it when setting over a plate of ribs time flies and while exercising time drags? Just for the sake of pure absurdity, I should also point out that the only reason I keep exercising is because of ribs. I have noted recently that when I walk, if I listen to podcasts the time goes quicker. Imagine that a guy who continually talks about how important every moment is talking about how to make time fly.

While men pitch for the pro leagues when it comes to mistakes women too are not totally exempt. While men will at times put a ring on the finger of the wrong girl women will also take a man into her confidence that is abusive. While none of us want to see that happen the most perplexing part is when the woman decides to stay with said idiot. Nobody can make sense of it even though we struggle to try. Most of us that are right minded agree that the first time it's shame on him, the second time is shame on you.

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