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Praise the Lord and pass the gravy.

Standing on the cliff of humanity


     Being a born and bred Okie not only do I have a lot to say but my brain is full of "isms." Unsure of what an ism is? Try out this one that my grandpa was well known for saying "what can't get up can't get out." See what I mean? Grandpa rarely imparted wisdom to me that could be shared in Sunday school. And what about this little nugget: "it's not how deep you fish, it's how you wiggle your worm." Or it's not how long you make it; "it's how you make it long."  I'm in my fifties and still don't know what that means, although I'd call it mildly entertaining. Just keep in mind in order for it to become dirty your mind must go there, and that's on you, not me. So don't shoot the messenger. On occasion I might hit you with the occasional innuendo, but I will never pepper you with objectionable language. Contrary to current trends I don't think humor needs to be vile to be entertaining. And remember, we are not guaranteed happiness, only the pursuit of happiness.


     To my way of thinking subtlety is still a beautiful thing. I live to stand on the cliff of humanity and stare into the abyss of human knowledge, which by the way usually makes me laugh. Why? I suppose the best answer to that question is that people generally just take themselves far too seriously. The time we are allowed to be on this earth is but the blink of an eye so anytime we find something to smile about we are ahead of the game. Not unlike a gallon of milk we too have an expiration date, although ours is not stamped on our forehead. Because of the colorful people I was raised by, I am a now product of their Okie ways, weather I like it or not. Although weirdly I do. My life is a lot of things, but it is rarely boring. You will find that being in my brain is like riding a rickety roller coaster. It will often be exhilarating, the first big dip may take you stomach, and once it is over you may have trouble catching your breath. I duly invite you to read my stories and also share your own. Some will make you laugh; some will cause you to choke up. Just remember the illustrious words of Dolly Pardon, "laughter through tears is my favorite emotion."


     As your in-house truth detector and searcher for all things wonderfully absurd, I promise to never lead you astray. Grandma advised me years ago to keep topics like politics and religion off the table at Thanksgiving as it tends to taint the taste of the stuffing. She was right about that, and her logic still stands today. I will try my best to always abide by grandma's words because there is little sense in beating a dead horse to no avail. Besides, when was the last time you went to war with someone on a social media platform you barely knew and walked away thinking that you were able to sway them in their thinking. Never, right? I no longer am involved in social media of any kind; life is way too short for that kind of headache. Life is nothing if not predictable. 




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